FND engineers working in business premises - guidance for customers
To protect our people and your customers our engineers will be following guidance to allow the safe provision or repair of services
Risk assess all work activities, record your findings and implement all appropriate control measures to maintain 2 metre social distancing; e.g. step out and step in process between team members. If unable to maintain; stop, reassess, innovate if safe to do so.
Display key worker notification signage at all sites when work activities are being undertaken.
Make sure you have sufficient supplies of cleaning agents to maintain a safe, clean and sanitised environment when working, driving and operating plant and/or machinery.
Do not report to work if you exhibit any symptoms and/or anyone within your household is self-isolating. Follow existing business guidelines.
Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
Report all incidents, near misses, hazards and breaches via the relevant process
If a customer can give us safe access to the customer site/premises, we will provide service while observing 2m social distancing measures to complete the work end to end. Ongoing risk assessments will be carried out before and during the work. If at any point 2m social distancing cannot be adhered to, the work will be stopped and discussed with the site contact/manager in order to agree a safe system of work. Ultimately, this could involve stopping work and only building to the curtilage.
Where we cannot gain safe building access or the engineer
cannot achieve 2m social distancing to complete the internal
work, then external build to the curtilage will continue as normal
following safe working practices.